Central for the whispering campaign against Tolkien is the notion that he peddled a reductive world view. While George RR Martins A Song Of Ice And Fire sequence is certainly mature, complex and reflective of real human life, Lord of the Rings Trilogy is felt to become fusty, puritanical and cheesily moralistic. Nobody in Game of Thrones is really bad or good.
LOTR is cheesy and puritanical? Oh dear. Needless to say, devoted fans of J.R.R. Tolkien wouldn't describe it this way, but devoted fans of George R.R. Martin who haven't read Lord of the Rings films might and some apparently do. Can Jaime Lannister hold a candle to Aragorn, or the other way round? Are Gollum, Eowyn or John Snow one dimensional?
As a devoted fan of both, yes, it's entirely possible, I feel that the gap forwards and backwards is an excellent thing. Both approaches might be enormously entertaining, cringe worthy sometimes, yet pierce one's heart with beauty and tragedy. Think about you? Do you have a preference or do you enjoy both?
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